If you drive a standard shift car, truck, or SUV, there’s a good chance you’ve heard this line from a know-it-all buddy in the passenger’s seat: “You know, it’s bad for the transmission when you leave your hand on the shifter.” But, does what your friend says have any merit? Procar Northwest Inc. in Redmond has the answers.
If you own or operate a fleet of vehicles or a commercial truck, chances are you’ve encountered a bad ball joint or two. How do you catch one before it breaks, and why is it important? Procar Northwest Inc. in Redmond, WA has the answers.
Many cars, particularly models produced between the 1970s and the 1990s, utilize cable clutch designs instead of hydraulics to operate the clutch. Here’s a brief explanation of clutch cable systems, from Procar Northwest Inc. in Redmond.
At Procar Northwest Inc. in Redmond, we’re familiar with the many over the counter remedies that promise to cure your car, truck, or SUV of all its transmission woes. But, do any of them actually work, and are they even safe for your transmission?
At Procar Northwest Inc. in Redmond, WA, we understand the importance of being on top of the latest in automotive technology. That’s why we invest heavily in top-notch diagnostic and programming equipment, and why we have technicians that know how to use it.
You may occasionally hear the term “transaxle” used in place of “transmission” for your car or SUV. Is there a difference, and if so, what is it? Procar Northwest Inc. in Redmond is here to help.
If you own or operate a fleet or commercial truck, you’ve likely experienced your fair share of breakdowns and malfunctions on the road. However, there’s a good chance those time consuming and expensive issues were completely avoidable, and your vehicle was warning you of an imminent issue all along. Here are some important tips from Procar Northwest Inc. in Redmond, WA